The knighthood ceremony

Escape Room

The King of Castelnau has just died leaving the throne vacant. Legitimate heirs, the 2 sons appeal to their faithful to each recover the forged sword which will make them the next sovereign. An epic medieval challenge awaits!

Résoudre ce mystère
Henry Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Henry Gretenfield

The Doubment – The Legacy of King René

Escape Room

We are in 1474. King René, Duke of Anjou, King of Sicily and Jerusalem, Peer of France, Duke of Bar, Count of Provence, Forcalquier and Piedmont, knows that death is near and that he is time to make his will, because unfortunately since the death of his son in 1470, the king no longer has a direct heir.

He therefore needs an heir to whom to bequeath the duchy.

King René hesitates between two nephews: Charles V of Maine, and no less than Louis XI, King of France.

In order to make his choice he asked his nephews to each send him a legation to determine the most worthy.

Résoudre ce mystère
Henry Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Henry Gretenfield
00000123 x 278
The Cunningham case

The Cunningham case

Escape Room

1999, London. A series of murders have been taking place for several months. The investigation was entrusted to the famous Commissioner Cunningham … He was getting closer to solving the puzzle day by day when he suddenly disappeared! Now is your turn to investigate…

Résoudre ce mystère
Nora Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Nora Gretenfield

The Cunningham reloaded case

Escape Room

1999, London. A series of murders has been taking place for several months. The investigation was entrusted to the famous Commissioner Cunningham … He was getting closer to solving the puzzle day by day when he suddenly disappeared! Now is your turn to investigate …

Résoudre ce mystère
Nora Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Nora Gretenfield
0000074 x 643
Tesla workshop

Tesla workshop

1925, New-York City. The industrial revolution is underway. The face of the world is changing and electricity is taking hold in homes. In the heart of the war of the currents, Thomas Edison soon feeling overwhelmed by his competitor Nikola Tesla, hires your team of spies…

Résoudre ce mystère
Henry Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Henry Gretenfield
0000080 x 318
Back to the past

Back to the past

Escape Room

1998… Jason Brandon has developed a time machine. He was thus launched in 2010 and recovered a precious object: the sports almanac of the last 5 decades! This little genius then returned to 1998 and fraudulently became a millionaire.

Résoudre ce mystère
Léonard Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Léonard Gretenfield
00000241 x 25
The Cale of Cortez

The Cale of Cortez

Escape Room

1664, the bloodthirsty Cortez causes terror to reign in British waters. He also stole one of the crown jewels: the “Queenstone”. Spies of the East India Company, you got hired on the ship and created a mutiny, so you are taken prisoner in the hold of the ship.

Résoudre ce mystère
Louise Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Louise Gretenfield
0000060 x 136
The Discoclub

The Discoclub

Escape Room

1986, it is 11 p.m. and the “Macumba” Discoclub is opening its doors. Domi has taken his place in the locker room, Boris is on the turntables, the disco ball is slowly spinning above the luminous track, it’s sure, tonight will be a crazy night! Your band has been trying to break through for many years. A great producer will be present for the evening, it’s now or never to show him your talents!

Résoudre ce mystère
Henry Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Henry Gretenfield
Nora Gretenfield
Nora Gretenfield
000000 x 575


Escape Room

Another round of kidnappings. After several days of searching, their location was discovered. Each kidnapped wears an explosive necklace that will go off at the end of the ransom payment period. Will you be able to free the hostages? Alive?

Résoudre ce mystère
Léonard Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Léonard Gretenfield
000000 x 78
The Fort

The Fort

Escape Room

In France, in the heart of the Middle Ages, the grand master of the Templars was unjustly imprisoned in a dungeon at Castelnau. Only you, knights, can free him. Will you be strong enough to save the Order of the Templars?

Résoudre ce mystère
Henry Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Henry Gretenfield
00000124 x 641


Escape Room

Midnight: The vibrations of your phone wake you up from your sleep. A message, an invitation, an address … Why did you decide to go? Who is this person playing with you? Why does she want you to experience your worst phobias?

Résoudre ce mystère
Louise Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Louise Gretenfield
00000135 x 810
Hocus Pocus

Hocus Pocus

Escape Room

1692, city of Salem, the 3 Tituba sisters were inadvertently awakened. Furious and revengeful, they will cast a terrible spell on the city. You will only have 60 minutes to prevent their Machiavellian plan.

Résoudre ce mystère
Louise Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Louise Gretenfield
00000148 x 726


Escape Room

You are on your way home from vacation, when suddenly a torrential rain forces you to stop. It’s dark, you are tired and you decide to rest before getting back on the road. No hotel has a spare room, none except this one. You’ve heard strange things about it, but you don’t really believe in ghost stories. Strangely enough, you are the only hotel guests that night, and you will probably regret it soon …

Résoudre ce mystère
Louise Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Louise Gretenfield
00000130 x 505
The Curse of Horus

The Curse of Horus

Escape Room

1991, Egypt. Famous adventurer Harry Jones went missing on a dangerous expedition to a mysterious tomb, leaving you with his troubling research into the Eye of Horus and its curse…

Résoudre ce mystère
Henry Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Henry Gretenfield
0000098 x 208


Escape Room

The dragon Kilgharrah was captured and put to sleep by Merlin a long time ago. But the spell that keeps him in a deep sleep is about to break. Only you descendants of Merlin can avoid a foretold tragedy…

Résoudre ce mystère
Louise Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Louise Gretenfield

The Mysteries of Kellar

Escape Room

Magician Kellar is about to die. He is looking for a team capable of succeeding him and taking up the torch. His latest coup is in the theater of his debut. In the greatest secrecy, he has developed the ultimate test that his successors must pass!

Résoudre ce mystère
Henry Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Henry Gretenfield
00000160 x 717
Panic Room

Panic Room

Escape Room

1963, United States. From the Panic Room of the White House, you represent President Kennedy’s last hope. Your team of Bureau agents is tasked with preventing his assassination at all costs. Locate the shooter in time and save the life of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Résoudre ce mystère
Nora Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Nora Gretenfield
00000227 x 285


Escape Room

1861, Virginia City, the owner of the city’s most popular saloon has priceless loot illegally acquired by stealing and looting stage coaches. Bartender by day, brigand by night, is he really the one nicknamed the “Terrible Black Gun”?

Résoudre ce mystère
Henry Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Henry Gretenfield

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