
1992, it’s your first night as a caretaker in an atypical building, a seemingly banal and boring job. At least, that’s what you thought, until the tenants start complaining about strange noises coming from the 3rd floor.

Votre objectif

So you have no choice but to go and inspect the place and try to understand what is happening there…

So, will you be able to unravel the mysteries of apartment 333?


⚠️ WARNING: Room prohibited for children under 15 (even accompanied by an adult)
⚠️ Room not recommended for pregnant women and photosensitive people!

Louise Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Louise Gretenfield

Hauntings – Apartment 333

Can you help Louise solve this investigation?

Louise Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Louise Gretenfield

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