
A subtle mix between Pekin Express and an Escape Game, Urban Challenge is a connected treasure hunt that makes you experience a real race against time in the streets of Toulouse.

Votre objectif

Form your team, go on an adventure in the historic heart and try to complete as many quests as possible!


In small groups, register for one of the many competitions of the week. In large groups, ask for a private competition.

Urban Challenge is played in groups of 6 to 50 players divided into teams of 2 to 5 players – ideal for having a good time with family, on a stag / JF or with colleagues.

Urban Challenge allows you to discover (or rediscover) Toulouse as you complete challenges and solve puzzles in the city center.

Insight and logic will be essential!

A Game Master welcomes you to town and gives you instructions, rules and tips to make the most of your experience.
After your briefing, you will receive a gaming smartphone, essential to validate your quests. Then choose a name for your team and it’s off to a race against the clock!
The goal: to decode the puzzles and complete as many challenges as possible in the allotted time. Your Game Master follows your progress in real time and keeps an eye on it.
At the end of the game, the stopwatch stops: go to the starting point to find out your ranking. The animation ends with a short debriefing of your investigation.

Léonard Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Léonard Gretenfield

Urban Challenge – Toulouse

Can you help Leonard solve this investigation?

Léonard Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Léonard Gretenfield

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peuvent vous

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Code.EN. RIII R.04

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Des codes cachés sont présents sur le site Get Out. Si vous parvenez à les démasquer, ils vous permettront d’accéder à des contenus inédits qui ne sont pas accessibles à tous. Saurez-vous les retrouver ? Bonne chance !

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