
Reunion Island, 1988.
Since the sudden disappearance of the Danodia family, very strange phenomena have been occurring in their building. Mr. Hoareau, the head of the Syndic, contacts your team of investigators specializing in paranormal events to shed light on the situation. According to him, the apartment is occupied by the spirit of Gran Mer Kal…

Votre objectif

You are paranormal specialists accompanied by a man of faith. Together you will have to investigate the Danodia building to determine if a malevolent presence is at work. Confident, you will begin your mission by exchanging a few words with the neighbors, but not everything will go as planned…


Sensitive souls… refrain…

Louise Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Louise Gretenfield

Hauntings – The Curse of Gran Mèr Kal

Can you help Louise solve this investigation?

Louise Gretenfield

Enquête menée par

Louise Gretenfield

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